Promotes wakefulness and mental sharpness: Peppermint has been utilized for hundreds of years for its rejuvenating effects, stimulating the mind and boosting vitality. When massaged into the skin, the menthol component delivers a soothing, cooling feeling. It is advised to not exceed a 5% dilution for skin application.
HOW TO USE: Aromatic: Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical: Dilute to a maximum of 5% in a carrier.
High-Quality Affordable Essential OIls: At Plant Therapy our goal is to positively impact the lives of as many people as we possibly can, by selling such a high quality product at an affordable price. Be confident knowing you are purchasing quality oils at direct-to-consumer prices.
RELAX WORKED MUSCLES & JOINTS: When experiencing head or neck tension, dilute Peppermint to a carrier oil for a soothing massage.
Batch Specific GC-MS Reports on Every Oil: Every bottle of oil from Plant Therapy goes through multiple rounds of testing including organoleptic testing and multiple rounds of GC-MS testing by several third-party laboratories.
Steam Distilled for Purity: Our peppermint oil is derived using the steam distillation method. The result is undiluted premium oil with no additives or fillers. It's perfect for restoring tired feet after a long day - add a few drops to a ½ cup of Epsom salt in water for a refreshing foot-soak.
SUPPORT NAUSEA: When you’re feeling nauseous or need support for respiratory health, it can be helpful to take in its scent through a personal inhaler.